​Is Mr. Koike making a tournament draw this time!? Match orders are to be announced for the July 16, QUINTET.2!!

Match orders for the first round in July 16 QUINTET.2 are finalized. The usual wooden chopstick lottery are used to pair the matches, but is Mr. Koike the one to draw this time...?


TEAM SAKURABA (provisional) finally found a strong battle Pareha (= buddies, fellow) at the end of the journey to find team members who were in a difficult afternoon, five people gathered together and the players of all the teams decided July 16, QUINTET. 2.

If the participating members are decided, the next combination of the first round of the tournament will be worrisome, but again this time it was decided by a lottery with a disposable chopsticks. In addition, this time the producer Kazushi Sakuraba will be participating as a player, and it was Mr. Takahisa Koike, a cultural broadcaster who also sponsored the tournament, that gave a lottery to ensure fairness. Although he was puzzled by the nomination from Sakuraba, he had to use chopsticks without hesitation, and the combination of the first round was decided.

Tournament First Round
1st Match

2nd Match

In the lower race review, 10th Planet led by Eddie Bravo and Hideo Ishii led by TEAM VAGABOND, which is listed as the winner, suddenly crashed in the first round. It is a pleasure to see whether it will be a brutal crush.

The orders of the general orders will be announced at a press conference the day before July 15 (Sunday) from the leading prize of the attention. I am looking forward to the order of each team.

Summary of the convention here